Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being grateful

I like to share this video, because it sums up the idea of becoming the change as an individuum in this world. About being grateful and appreciating life with every breath you take. Getting to know yourself and your mind through meditation.

Timber Hawkeye also shows the way of using Social Media to spread information and inform people, so that they can find back to their inner strength and happiness. 
Not governmental organizations, no religious institutions, no external factors will make you happy or solve the problems of our world. Everybody can contribute, by changing and making things different, more aware, more mindful, more compassionate.

Find the joy and appreciation for life in yourself, share your experience and how to care for nature and other beings. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Buddhist Economics

After an business meeting 2002 in Northern Germany I was waiting at the airport and stumpled upon a book at the bookstore from the Dalai Lama "The way to freedom". It was the first time, I got in touch with Buddhism. Surprisingly this book got my attentention, when I should have been happy and fulfilled, because I was a successful business woman traveling and having everything I needed.

But this book, changed a lot of my views on my life at that time. Since then, I kept on reading all kinds of books about economy and I tried to work with all kind of different management strategies to manage my projects and build up companies. But the most wisdom and long-term successful views I found in Buddhist books.

What I realized so far, buddhist ideas can help you so much to make your costumers, your employees and yourself happy at work. That´s why I would like to share most inspirational books, so you can also get know the main ideas about how mindful and compassionate economy and management work:

The Leader´s way:

Written by an international management consultant Laurens van den Muyzenberg and the Dalai Lama, in an almost 20 year long process, this book helps you to understand the interconnectedness, impermanence, and interdependence of individuals, companies, and the global economic system and how to navigate wisely as a leader.

English Version
Deutsche Version

The Diamond Cutter:

This book is written by an former business man, who became a buddhist and applied everything he learned from Buddhism to the diamond business. Trading diamonds is known as one of the dirtiest businesses in the world. They managed by treating their employees, providers and costumers fair and honest, to become one of the worlds most successful diamond selling company.

So Buddhism is not about living poorly and non successful. Realizing the law of cause and effect helps you to build up strong and friendly relationsships to those around you every day.

English version














The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century

Emphasising human-scale, local, sustainable alternatives to globalised industry, Sulak Sivaraksa offers a way to restructure our economy on Buddhist principles and on a basis that will promote personal development.
Based on decades of thought and writing Sivaraksa outlines how measuring economic success by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) could be replaced by GNH (Gross National Happiness). It examines globalisation from a Buddhist perspective, arguing that healing the planet starts by creating sustainability at the individual and global levels.

The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century













Ajan Brahms talk about "Buddhist Economics and the Credit Squeeze"

What every leader needs most is compassion, kindness and sensitivity, truly understanding the people you work with.


Ich habe genug - Kampagne

Heute entdeckt, die Kampagne des Vereins SOL Solidarität, Ökologie und Lebensstil. Mit der kostenlosen Anmeldung zur Kampagne erhält man entweder einen Newsletter mit Anregungen, die Möglichkeit Themen zu diskutieren oder auszuarbeiten oder Unterstützung für einen Startworkshop, um Menschen in der Bewegung zu mobilisieren.
Ich mag die Idee und den Zugang. Schade finde ich, dass das Design wie oft bei sozialen, gemeinnützigen Initiativen etwas zu wünschen übrig läßt ;) Dazu aber mehr ein ander Mal, wenn es um Sustainable Design in Wien geht.

Aber in jedem Fall eine unterstützenswerte Idee und Gruppierung.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Attachment - the myth of ownership

In general I adore Ajan Brahm and his speeches. Ajan Brahm  is a Theravada Buddhist monk. Currently Brahm is the Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery, in Serpentine, Western Australia. He studied Theoretical physics at Cambridge University before becoming a monk and providing this inspiring speeches on the following youtube channel:

Today I would like to share his speech about attachment. Attaching to the _right_ things and enjoying simplicity. He is  talking about the benefits of having less. A smaller car, a smaller house and at the same time caring for the environment. The brainwashing of our culture is also mentioned, but also they joy of inner prosperities: Love, fun, friendship, family, happiness and comfort.

You find this video also via this link:

German Wikipedia entry for Ajan Brahm:

English Wikipedia entry:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Introduction to Buddhism

Discovering Buddhism is an introduction to buddhism by some of the worlds best known buddhist teachers. If you are new to Buddhism and would like to get an idea, what it´s like to be a buddhist and want to know more about the teaching of the Buddha, this video course from the FPMT Online Learning Center could be a good starting point for you.

Discovering Buddhism Module 1 - Mind and its Potential   

Examine the mind and how it creates happiness and suffering. Learn to transform destructive thoughts and attitudes to create a positive and joyous mind.


Discovering Buddhism Module 2 - How to Meditate 

Learn the definition and purpose of meditation, how to sit, how to set up a meditation session, different meditation techniques, and how to deal with obstacles to meditation.

Discovering Buddhism Module 3 - Presenting the Path 

Get an overview of the entire Tibetan Buddhist path to awakening. Study the life story of the Buddha and discover the lam-rim, or graduated path to enlightenment.

Discovering Buddhism Module 4 - The Spiritual Teacher 

Investigate the role of the teacher on the spiritual path: the need for a teacher, the qualities of teacher and student, and how to relate to a teacher for greatest benefit.

Discovering Buddhism Module 5 - Death and Rebirth 

Explore the process of death and rebirth and its impact on how we live our lives. Learn to fulfill your purpose in life, resolve conflicts, and develop the skills to help yourself and others at death. 

Discovering Buddhism Module 6 - All about Karma 

Learn the essential facts about the law of cause and effect. Explore ways to deal with life most effectively and take control of your future!

Discovering Buddhism Module 7 - Refuge in the three Jewels 

Find out what it means to take refuge in the Three Jewels and the essential practices of refuge. Learn about the advantage of taking lay vows and their role in enhancing our spiritual growth.

Discovering Buddhism Module 8 - Establishing a daily Practice 

Assemble the tools you need to develop a successful daily practice and find out the elements necessary to generate realizations. Get some tips for making every action meaningful.

Follow this course on the FPMT Online Learning Center at and learn more about Discovering Buddhism at

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enorm betrachtet Wirtschaftsmodelle, Unternehmen und Personen, die auf die wachsenden Herausforderungen in Gesellschaft und Umwelt reagieren. Lesen Sie, wie Wirtschaft und Moral wieder zusammenfinden, wie neue Geschäfte mit alten Werten die Welt verändern und zur Lösung der Probleme unserer Gesellschaft beitragen können.

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WALD - Das Magazin für Draußen. Natur im weitesten Sinn. Menschen zählen wir auch dazu. Ums Zusammenleben geht uns ganz besonders. Und um die Wissenschaft, die uns das erklärt. Und ums Rausgehen. Ins Draußen. 

Wir Menschen im Wandel
„Wir – Menschen im Wandel“ versteht sich als Plattform und Resonanzkörper für ein neues Bewusstsein, das auf Kooperation statt auf Konkurrenz und auf Gemeinschaft statt auf Einzelanstrengung setzt. Unser Anliegen ist es, den vielen Personen und Projekten, die im deutschsprachigen Raum zukunftsfähige Ideen entwickeln oder entwickelt haben, mehr Bekanntheit zu verschaffen und zu vernetzen, um auf diese Weise motivierende und visionäre Bilder der Zukunft zu vermitteln – unterwegs zu einer Kultur, in der Menschen in Freiheit, Verbundenheit und Liebe miteinander leben.



Mit Reportagen, Essays, Porträts, Berichten und Interviews leuchtet Oya in alle Winkel unserer Gesellschaft und fördert neue Ansätze zutage: in sozialen Unternehmen, in Gesundheitsprojekten, in Ökodörfern und Lebensgemeinschaften und weiteren vielfältigen Bewegungen für soziale und ökologische Anliegen.

Und noch eine Liste weiterer, relevanter Magazine die von OYA  empfohlen wurde und die ich jetzt einfach mal teile:

Yes Magazine
(Graswurzelprojekte, Selbermachen, Freies Lernen, Bioregionalismus, Gemeinschaften etc.)
Ode Magazine
(Kulturkreative Szene in den USA, Untertitel: For Intelligent Optimists)
(Tiefenökologie, Kunst, Philsoophie, Öko-Aktivismus)
Mother Jones
(Soziale Gerechtigkeit, Gesellschaftskritik, Aktivismus)
Adbusters Magazine
(Konsumkritik, Kommunikationsguerilla)
Orion Magazine
(Natur-Mensch-Beziehung neu denken, Öko-Projekte)
Kosmos Journal
(Gesellschaftlicher Wandel, Gemeingüter, Politik und Bewusstseinswandel)